The Backyard Revolution Review 2024 (Updated)
Backyard Revolution Solar Review Video Guide:
Now, Let’s understand more about the Backyard Revolution Solar System step-by-step.What the Backyard Revolution System is?
Backyard Revolution Solar System is a program (in the form of an eBook and videos) that teaches you how to build a solar panel system in just a 10-square-foot area. This solar program helps you to build a solar system at your home for less than $500.
Who is Zack Bennett?
In This Backyard Revolution Reviews it is a must introduce the author of the program. The Backyard Revolution Solar system is created by Zack Bennett a carpenter by profession.

Backyard Revolution Solar: How the Program came into Existence?
One day, Zack with his family faced an unexpected rainy stormy night full of dark (the power grid was off due to the bad weather conditions). On the same night, A robber got into his home with bad intentions and Zack was helpless with his wife and a 2-year daughter. The robber was unaware of their presence, he thought there was nobody. But miraculously Zack’s Daughter started crying which made the robber run away. Fortunately, the night has passed but the incident has shaken Zack’s mind and sparked the idea of getting his own electricity source rather than relying on irresponsible electricity providers. Intensive research on getting his own electricity sources directed him towards solar energy. Solar energy can be produced with solar panels at home and it is the only free renewable and sustainable source of energy. Hence he decided to create a solar panel system to place in his backyard under direct sunlight. The reason for building a Backyard Revolution solar power system is, that it consumes only 10 sq feet of area and can be built for under $200-$500 if you follow Zack Bennett’s Backyard Revolutions solar plans.Does the Backyard Revolution Plan Really Work?
The US Government has established the largest solar panel farm “Solar Start” in Kern and Los Angeles Counties in an area of 13 Square kilometers to generate solar power. Alone, this solar panel farm can produce 579MW which is sufficient to power 255,000+ homes.
The main concept of the Backyard Revolution solar System is to utilize the least space to install a maximum number of solar panels. So to achieve this goal, the only way is to go vertically instead of spreading the panels on the surface horizontally.Look at the actual 3D solar panel system that Zack has built

Backyard Revolution Solar System Features
Backyard Revolution Solar System has a number of features that make it attractive and authentic. Let me explain some of them in this Backyard Revolution Solar Review.Using Free Solar Energy:
The government and many NGOs are already suggesting using Solar energy, so why don’t we take a leap on the trend? This may maybe because we just overlook this tremendous gift of nature and follow the hype of the costly maintenance of solar panels. Backyard Revolution is a learning program that teaches you to use free solar energy at a very low cost. This is renewable and sustainable energy that anyone can generate at their home. With the right setup guidelines, you can start generating enough electricity that can cut your bills up to half or maybe the full.Easy to follow Solar Program:
Zack Bennett’s Solar program is great when it comes to the explanation of the building process. You’ll have the complete Backyard Revolution plans in PDF format that you can easily follow. Also, a video demonstrating the complete building process of the Backyard Revolution solar system from scratch.Top-Notch Customer Support:
If the pdf and videos are not enough then Zack has backed you up. You’ll have a direct support email address of Zack’s team to share your hurdles with them. They are very kind and responsive in helping out their customers.Money Saving Program:
There is no doubt that using solar energy can reduce your electricity expenses and save you money from the first month of solar panel installation. Many customers who have followed the Backyard Revolution Solar system have claimed to cut their bills up to half or by 60% from their first month. Read customer reviews in the image below
Backyard Revolution is a Beginner-Friendly program:
You don’t have to be an engineer to build a solar panel system on your own. You don’t have to be a carpenter like Zack Bennett to build a wooden frame from scratch to stake the solar panels. Zack has done all the heavy lifting and laid out the whole system in an easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow format. A beginner can also build the whole Backyard Revolution solar system for their family. Even your kids can also build a miniature following you. (How amazing that would be if your kids were copying you and building miniature solar systems for their science class)Backyard Revolution Solar System Benefits
In this Backyard Revolution Review of January 2024, it is mandatory to include the benefits, which can prove the authenticity of the system. Using Sun energy is really a futuristic way to fulfill our needs. Because the number of electricity-powered gadgets and appliances we use in our daily routine has increased our electricity consumption. And solar energy is the only way to counter these situations because it is a renewable and sustainable energy source that is not going to end anyway. So, if you’re also thinking of going for a solar-powered panel system to fulfill your electricity needs then you’re already ahead of the masses. Now you just need a failproof system to build a solar panel system at your home and the Backyard Revolution System is one of the best to follow. Here are some of the Backyard Revolution system’s benefits out of several others:- Save Money: A major benefit of using a Solar system is you’ll be saving a lot of money annually. Say by using solar energy if you save $100 a month then it is $1200 a year.
- Longer Life: On average, a solar panel can generate electricity for up to 20 years which is a clear sign of a great investment.
- Environment Friendly: Using Solar energy, you will feel grateful as you are also contributing towards keeping the environment safe.
- Power Backup: You can store extra generated electricity as a power backup (you’ll learn in the program) for blackout days or for unlike weather conditions when occur.
How Much is the Backyard Revolution Cost?
So, you know the Backyard Revolution Solar plan, how this solar system works, its features, and its benefits. Now let’s get to the main point i.e. the cost of the “Backyard Revolution Solar system” Zack Bennett has kept the cost of Backyard Revolution so grounded and affordable i.e. $39 only so that a lot of people can take advantage of his teachings. With only a $39 investment you’ll get the complete Backyard Revolution Video guide & Blueprint pdf bundle that will show you how to build your very own solar panel system for under $500. Think of you having a blueprint that could save you by throwing $10,000-$20,000 on a solar company or a private contractor to build the solar panel system for you. Remember, the solar panel you build will last at least 10-20 years, and each year you’ll be saving more than 50% on your electricity bills.
Bonuses included with Backyard Revolution Solar System Guide
So let’s brief out what you’ll get when you order a Backyard Revolution Solar program today.- 1. Backyard Revolution Solar Blueprint in ebook format:

- 2. Alternative Electric Energy Source for Your Homestead: This guide will show you how to scale your 3D solar panel tower to the level where you can totally rely on your solar panel system. This will teach you how your family can have electricity on blackout and power outage days.

- 3. How to Build Your Energy Stockpile Secret: Think of a situation where your solar panel system is producing more electricity than you need. Why not store that excess electricity? With this bonus guide, you’ll learn how you can store the excess power for the bad days. You’ll learn what the electricity storing methods are, what batteries are best to use, and how to revive the old batteries if you have any.

- 4. How to protect your Homestead in case of an EMP: This is a seriously essential part to know about the electricity field. You’ll get to know about the essential things and steps to learn how to protect your homestead while EMP (electromagnetic pulse) occurs in your area.

Buy a Copy of Backyard Revolution Now | Three Bonus eBook Free
Pros and Cons of Backyard Revolution Solar Plans
Knowing the Pros and Cons of any product is essential in making the right decision. In this Backyard Revolution Solar Review of January 2024, it is my duty to aware you of the pros and cons of the program.Pros of Backyard Revolution Solar Power System
- A Guide about Green Renewable & Sustainable Energy: We are consistently asked to use sustainable energy by Govt agencies and various NGOs, but the thing is everyone is clueless about where to start. We know that Solar energy can fulfill our electricity needs but we’re not taught how to use solar panels practically to convert sunshine into electricity. But now you have a chance to learn all those solar secrets and can contribute your part to keeping the environment safe. This is a huge benefit I think you could have with the Backyard Revolution solar system of Zack Bennett
- Requires less ground space: As you noticed from the image and videos the final model of the Backyard Revolution solar panel takes up only 10 square feet of area. That means you can place it in your backyard, balcony, or on a roof terrace if you have one.
- Portable: Backyard Revolution solar panel system is completely portable which means you can easily move the model anywhere you would like to.
- Affordable: The Backyard Revolution is super affordable itself i.e. just $39 and you’ll get the complete blueprint of creating an extra source of electricity for less than $500.
- Money-Saving: With Backyard Revolution Solar electricity you can reduce the expenses of traditional electricity by up to 50% from the very first month. This is on average $100 per month and $1200 per year.
- Stay last for many years: A well built solar panel system could last for at least 20 years. That means your $250 (approx) initial investment can last up to 20 years giving you peace of mind about saving money and electricity.
- Can be scaled easily: Once you have set up the solar panel in place, you’ll analyze how many solar panels are required to generate enough electricity to power your one room. Then you can easily scale the solar system to power your entire home
- Power backup when a Blackout occurs: With the 3 bonus guides provided you’ll learn how to store extra electricity and use it when needed.
- 60-day money-back Guarantee: The Backyard Revolution solar Program is backed up by the 60-day money-back guarantee. Building your Backyard Revolution solar system will not take more than 4 hours, I suggest building it and testing the electricity generated through it for 60 days (two months) and analyzing if it is saving you money to spend on electricity. If it is saving at least $50 too then congratulations you have your investment back within 3-4 months otherwise you have a whole lot of 60 days to ask for a refund.
- Email Support for 12 months: It is usual to get stuck midway and look for extra help and for such a situation, you have 12 months of email support by Zack and his team. Just shoot an email and they will be back with the solution.
Cons of The Backyard Revolution Solar System:
For this Backyard Revolution Review of January 2024, Keeping me unbiased and giving you an honest opinion I must include where the program lacks. It was very tough to find any cons aspect of the Backyard Revolution solar program but I have discovered it.- Though the solar system is weatherproof, EMP-proof, and rainproof if there is no sunlight on cloudy rainy days then you might have to face an electricity shortage. This can be avoided by storing the excess electricity on normal days using the bonus guide offered in the program.
- The other cons I noticed is the solar panel system that is shown in the image is enough to supply power for a room or two. But if you want to power your entire home with solar panels then you may need to add more panels to the Backyard Revolution Solar system.
Backyard Revolution Independent Customer Reviews
Now let’s get to the real world of Backyard Revolution reviews from existing customers. When it comes to reviews of any product I used to go to the top of the hill to find out what other customers are reviewing the product. The same goes with the Backyard Revolution System Review of January 2024, Let’s have a look at what some of the customers are saying on YouTube

“Completely Life-Changing”
It was really hard to pay my electric bill ever since I retired. Sometimes in the winter, I couldn’t even afford to turn on the heater. My wife catches a cold easily, but what can I do?
After I got your course, in the first month, I only paid $29.34 for electricity… and that was because I got your course in the middle of the month. Now I don’t even worry about leaving the heater on 24/7… it is completely life-changing!– Harlow Jarred, Colorado
Already Slashed My Electric Bill By $110 This Month”
As a prepper, I’m always on the lookout for alternative energy sources in the case of SHTF.
Regular solar panels are popular amongst preppers, but I have never seen this kind of panel before. The design is elegant and they can be easily transported, the cells are protected by the wooden tower, making it really easy to stack them on top of each other.– Linwood Edgar, Michigan
The Truth About Backyard Revolution Solar Program: Is it legit or a scam?
Being unbiased, we all know solar energy does work and can have the potential to fulfill our electricity needs. (This is why the Government has established large solar farms in the entire country). Look at the image below, the blue spot shows the solar panel installation across the US map.

Backyard Revolution Solar Reviews: FAQs
Though I have covered almost everything in this Backyard Revolution Review of January 2024, I still think you might have some doubts or questions. So to address some of them I’m going to include a few common questions here. If you have a different question or doubts then let me know by visiting the Contact Us page.Does the Backyard Revolution really work?
Yes of course! this solar program works like a charm. The Backyard Revolution Solar program is a bundle of learning resources that teaches you how to build a solar panel system at your home to generate electricity from solar energy. If you believe solar panel works and generate electricity and solar panels installed by companies works then there is no reason solar panels arranged by yourself doesn’t work. 10,000+ customers can’t be wrong.Is Backyard Revolution worth it?
Electricity produced by Solar panels can be used in domestic and commercial ways. Hence if a solar energy learning program of $39 teaches you to generate extra electricity that could save up to $100 a month then the Backyard Revolution Solar is totally worth it.What is a 3D solar panel?
When solar panels are installed vertically on some frames then it is called 3D Solar panels. Backyard Revolution System is a program that teaches how to install 3D solar panels for your home.How long will solar panels last?
Usually, a solar panel can generate electricity for up to 15-20 years. If the solar panels are of high quality and maintained properly then it can last even longer.How do you make a 3D solar array?
Building a 3D Solar array is not rocket science if you follow the right instructions explained in the Backyard Revolution Solar System. You just need the right parts and a wooden frame to install solar panels in a 3D array.
How to Build a Backyard Revolution Solar Project?
You can easily build a Backyard Revolution Solar panel system for your family using the methods explained in the Backyard Revolution Solar learning guides and videos by Zack Bennett.How many watts does a Backyard Revolution make?
It depends on the number of panels you installed on a single 3D solar panel array. Usually, a solar panel can produce about 250-1500 Watts per panel per day. So if you’re installing 12 solar panels in a 3D solar tower then it would make around 3000-18000 Watts per system.How many solar panels would it take to power a house?
As I said a single solar panel can produce up to 250 Watts per hour then on average it would produce 1320 Watts per day. So now calculate how many Watts your entire home needs to run on electricity and set up solar panels accordingly.What if I don’t like the Backyard Revolution Solar program?
No worries! You’re backed up by a 60-day money-back guarantee by Zack Bennett. If somehow you don’t like the program then just shoot an email to get your money back. It’s that easy. Hence you’re not losing anything. Top of all you also have 12 months of email support from Zack and his team to help you build your own Solar system easily.My Verdict
As today’s technology grows we believe the power supply companies will also have a backup to counter very unfortunate conditions. They won’t let us live in the dark, but if it was practical then there would not be any power cut crisis that happened in Florida a few years back. The smart way is to use what nature is giving us in the form of solar energy. Use it as a backup or as an alternative source of electricity. So, I believe the Backyard Revolution Solar program is seriously worth it to try because it teaches you how to ensure the safety of your family by not letting them in the dark even in bad conditions and on power cut days.